Last night my wife and I were relaxing and surfing through some YouTube videos on the couch, courtesy of our Apple TV and AirPlay from our respective iPhones. A funny spoof from The Onion about a new Sony product prompted me to find a couple of demo videos of the new Google TV boxes to show my wife. The first few I stumbled across were some basic “everyman” reviews of the Sony Internet TV box. These reviews were posted by average nerds on YouTube as opposed to major review sites, but they got the general message across and ranged from extolling the virtues of having your TV on a Google-connected world to questioning the sanity of having such a device in the living room.

As I was showing my wife these videos I pointed out many of the cool things you can do on the TV screen while watching a movie or TV show, such as searching for more information on Google and interacting with Facebook and Twitter.

After patiently sitting through all of this for about a half-hour, my wife’s response was “If you connect one of those things to our TV I will hurt you.”

Enough said.